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Finally a live event again. 95 tech talks, 5 simultaneously for 3 days, 1200+ Android Developers, 87 Speaker by over 50 different companies participated. Topics ranged from `new` technologies, e.g. Jetpack Compose, KMM to how to improve productivity, testing, build times, API design. In short: how to become a better developer.

This time with 25 Checkitos. My whole android developer team was there.

We even had our own booth which lead to a lot of interesting conversations what we do and how CHECK24 works.

I've participated on the GDE coding challenge. It's a pretty cool idea. over the course of the entire droidcon, everyone can participate and code for 15 minutes which can now be found here.

Featured essays

Jira Ticket Templates


Sketch Vector Graphics (SVG) for Android

The two following medium articles are explaining the best strategy How to export clean . svg icons with Sketch Tips for exporting vector assets from Sketch to AndroidDesign best practices for Android mobile App (with SketchApp) In a nutshell: Avoid using… more

Remove git HEAD branch

HEAD is a pointer to a commit (usually master) so when you checkout your repository the commit which HEAD points at will be checked out. Usually you'd want it if when checking out you want a different branch or tag to be checked out… more


Short summary of this really well written article:Pattern overview MVP, MVVM, and MVI are some of the common patterns in Android and they can broadly be thought of as different flavours of the same core concept — abstracting logic from the UI into… more

DIY Geiger Counter

After watching HBO's Chernobyl Series and stumbling upon this awesome article about someone building a steampunk desktop background radiation monitor I was inspired to build a radiation monitor myself. I'm aleady being using a Raspberry PI with pi-hole… more

App Development Workflow


Future Proofing Android App Team at CHECK24


DroidCon Berlin 2021

Finally a live event again. 95 tech talks, 5 simultaneously for 3 days, 1200+ Android Developers, 87 Speaker by over 50 different companies participated. Topics ranged from `new` technologies, e.g. Jetpack Compose, KMM to how to improve productivity… more

Understand Android Lifecycle Aware Coroutine Scope

Source more

Context, Resources & You

Good starting point: https://developer. android. com/guide/components/fundamentals more

Android Paging without Paging 2/3 Library


CHECK24 Profis Android Git Commits of 2022 Visualised
